Calling All of North Carolina

We Can Make
a Difference


North Carolina First exists to engage voting age North Carolinians, especially those currently unrepresented, by educating them as to their civic opportunities and how those opportunities affect their future. In particular, our efforts focus on educating unengaged citizens as to the negative impact of an overly intrusive federal government.

About North
Carolina First

We are a 501(c)4 Organization
for Civic Engagement.

North Carolina First is a 501(c)4 advocacy organization whose primary purpose is educating and registering North Carolina voters. North Carolina First is exempt from federal taxes. Donations made to North Carolina First are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for U.S. federal income tax.

501(c)4 organizations are generally civic leagues and other corporations operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare, with net earnings devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purposes.

501(c)4 organizations may lobby for legislation and may also participate in political campaigns and elections, as long as their primary activity is the promotion of social welfare.

Work with Us

Join us to help engage people in their North Carolina communities! Work to make our state stronger. Apply for internships and jobs using the form below.

  • Max. file size: 1 GB.

North Carolina First does not discriminate because of an applicant’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, national origin or protected veteran’s status.

Register to Vote

The best way to make a difference and improve our state is to use the most powerful tool you have:

Register today